It’s Never Too Late!



For most of us, by the time we enter our senior year of high school, or shortly thereafter, we have some idea of how we want our lives to go. Some of us have mapped out a detailed plan for the achievement of our goals, whether those goals include continuing education, entering the military, or going straight into the workforce. We’ve thought out the path and vowed to allow nothing and no one to get in our way. Funny thing is, our lives hardly ever go the way we planned.

Life is sure to happen to each of us.

Tragedies strike. Adversity finds its way to our front door. A sickness, accident, or wrong choice derails us and brings us to an unexpected place in our journey. Although this place is unfamiliar or maybe even scary, it’s more than likely exactly where God needs us to be. It’s a place of preparation and maturation in order that He is able to place us on the path He predestined us to follow. Although the new path looks different from the one we carved ourselves, it’s so much better, so much brighter, and brings about greater prosperity than what we would have experienced had we continued to go our own way. I say all that to say this: don’t get discouraged if you fall off your path, as you might just end up exactly where you’re supposed to be.

If I am honest, I am in that place of preparation now. Over the last few years, I’ve experienced setbacks that have landed me here. I, too, have dreams that have yet to be fulfilled. However, I remain encouraged. I know that by no coincidence has God brought me to you. It isn’t by chance He’s given me the desire to encourage you even in the midst of my own transitional phase. I count this time as joy because I am confident that God is in the process of leading me to my calling.


Be Mindful!


Thank You!