


We’ve all heard that saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. Not long ago, I realized just how much truth this quote really holds. The picture posted below is more than a picture to me. If you know me, you probably don’t remember the last time you saw me without glasses. Heck, I can’t even recall the last time I volunteered to take a picture without a pair.

As a kid, I didn’t wear sunglasses. In fact, I didn’t start wearing them regularly until I entered 9th or 10th grade. Growing up, I was constantly told how cute I would look with glasses or how I should wear sunglasses like Ray Charles. I always shrugged the idea off out of disinterest. If we went to an amusement park or some type of outdoor event, I would grab a pair of shades just for the day. Most times, though, the glasses would be saying “find me” at the end of whatever event we had attended.

When I started high school, I wanted a new look, so I dyed my hair and started rocking sunglasses throughout the entire day, To my surprise, I really liked it! I had to get used to wearing something on my face all day, but I quickly adjusted.

When I was a kid, I hated taking pictures. Because I have light perception, every time a camera would flash, I would blink or my eyes would move uncontrollably, and it seemed my eyes were never focused in photos. With my glasses, however, it didn’t matter if my eyes were open, closed, moving from side to side… no one could see them behind my glasses. That made me like wearing them all the more. My glasses became a part of my daily attire; they were like an accessory. I had a pair to match almost every outfit!

At some point, I think I started to hide behind my glasses. I did NOT want to take pictures without them, nor could you catch me leaving my home without a pair of glasses resting on my face.

About a year ago, my best friend got engaged, and one day while planning, she requested that on her wedding day I take at least one picture without glasses to showcase our makeup. I agreed, not wanting to go against the bride’s wishes. As the conversation continued, she went on to remind me of how beautiful I am with or without my sunglasses and that they did not make me who I am.

Now, if y’all know my bestie, you know that she is relentless! So after buttering me up, she challenged me to go A WHOLE DAY without wearing glasses and then post about the experience on my blog. I said yes, but she could hear the hesitation in my voice, and probably felt the sweat from the palm of my hand seeping through her phone! We ended up settling on me just taking a picture with no glasses and posting about that. I was still extremely nervous. As you all can see, it took me an entire year and a global pandemic to follow through. Hey, better let than never, right?

Taking a picture was actually easier than I imagined. It was LIBERATING! I was also reminded that it’s ok to step out of your comfort zone sometimes. The picture below is of a girl stepping out of her comfort zone, a girl embracing her beauty, and a girl who was REALLY feeling herself that day!

Stepping out and taking risks may be the hardest things for us to do, but often the best decisions we will ever make. Sometimes doing what’s uncomfortable is the very thing you must do to jumpstart your business, to get that job you’ve always wanted, or to just feel a little bit better about yourself.

The older I get, I realize even more that it’s ok to stand out, to go against the grain even when it’s scary. Taking a risk may not be easy, but it’s worth it. Always remember to pray about it first and allow God to lead the way.


Believe In Yourself!


New Normal