


I’m sure we’ve all experienced a time (or two) in our lives where we just felt LOW. Like, no matter what we did in those seasons, and no matter how hard we tried, it just wasn’t enough.

Trust me, I know this feeling oh so well. Many times, these feelings stem from past experiences. For instance, maybe you’re not where you want to be in life or maybe your health has prevented you from achieving some of your goals, or your health has altered your appearance, causing you to feel ashamed. It could very well also be that you’ve allowed your past mistakes to control your life. No matter what it is, I want to let you know that YOU ARE ENOUGH, If I’m honest, this is a feeling I’ve experienced for a while now, and more so in recent years. My health has prevented me from accomplishing some of my goals, which caused me to feel horrible about myself. I had been so hard on myself because I have yet to obtain a college degree, and I really can’t work. I felt like no matter what I did, it just wasn’t enough.

Although I am only 26, I felt like I should have been much farther along in life. Because of my disability, there are some things I just can’t do on my own, causing me to feel like a burden. When people ask me questions like, “you can’t do that on your own?” or “don’t you think you should be in school right now?” Little do they know, it’s likely I hadn’t gotten more than a few hours of sleep the night before, or that it took every ounce of strength I had to get out of bed that very morning. No one knows the feeling of straight defeat I experience during encounters like those. I start to lose faith in myself.

At one point, I was even hesitant about starting my blog. I constantly doubted my writing skills and did not think anyone would read my posts. However, my best friend and my mom kept pushing me to go forward with it, and here we are! My mom constantly reminds me that what God has for me is me, degree or no degree. If it’s yours, nothing can stop it from coming your way. She also reminds me that I am more than enough, and so are you. God has equipped you with all the tools you need to succeed in life. No matter what someone has told you, you are enough. No matter what you want to do, go for it! If it’s going back to school or applying for the job of your dreams… do it!! I won’t tell you it’s going to be easy, but it definitely can be done.


This, To, Shall Pass


Happy Holidays